Our Products

Our Products

Strong Magnets is the producer of magnets, as well as the supplier of magnetic assemblies. Our products are divided into the following five segments:

Permanent Magnets

Strong Magnets is able to supply almost all kinds of permanent magnets of various grades commercially...

Pot Magnets

Pot Magnet is made by the combination of Neodymium magnet, embedded in a steel pot, with countersunk...

Magnetic Coupling

MAGNETIC COUPLING is a new kind of coupling, which connects the prime motor and theworking machine...

Permanent Magnetic Lifter

Model PML permanent magnetic lifter is mainly used to fasten or hold iron workpieces during lifting or handling...

Separatory magnetyczne

Dostarczamy separatory magnetyczne w zakresie od prostej konstrukcji do dedykowanych zaawansowanych urządzeń...



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